
About Barbara Roscoe-Graff

Baby Signs® With Barbara is owned and operated by Barbara Roscoe-Graff, an Independent, Certified Instructor of the Baby Signs® Programs. In business since 2011, Barbara has a gift and a passion for teaching Baby Signs®. The goal is to enable parents and caregivers with the tools they need to teach their babies, toddlers or pre-verbal children basic sign language gestures, enabling children to “talk” before they have developed the fine motor skills required to actually speak.

Barbara has also been an instructor for 14 years at a global leader for developmental play, music and art classes for parents and children ages newborn to five. She lives in Los Angeles, CA, with her partner and two children (who were her original Baby Signs® clients). Her extensive experience working with children and their families makes her a valuable resource in Los Angeles and beyond.


“Thank you Barbara for teaching Baby Signs® to my team. As home visitors working in an early intervention child abuse prevention program, they have another great tool in their tool kit to better support parents and promote positive parent-child relationships.”

- Melissa Miller, LMFT Program Director, Project SAFE – The Help Group

“There are so many words that she says that I wouldn’t know if she didn’t also use the sign. We never have crying over eating because she uses the sign.”

-Lolo S. on her daughter Sienna, 17 months

Image by yalehealth from Pixabay

“I used this program with my now 5 year old. By the time he talked, he was using over 40 practical signs. He was talking in sentences by age 2. I now have a 14 month old son who also uses many signs and makes up his own! It is so wonderful to be able to communicate with my baby. He tells me what he sees, hears, wants and how he feels. At 14 months old!”

- Michelle C., CA

More testimonials from Baby Signs® With Barbara Class Evaluations

"It has really cut down on the frustration when (our child) is able to clearly communicate with a sign. You can see the relief/pleasure he gets when you understand."

"Easy to implement signs."

"Great presenter and info."

"It was interactive and engaging."

"This class helped my little one learn how to express her emotions. She enjoyed all of the activities and positive interactions."

"I liked her energy and using sign to create a healthy family dynamic and communication."

"It's helped me a lot to communicate with my son."

"Great way to learn early communication with baby."

"It's helped us realize what words baby is saying because she can do the sign at the same time."

"It is fun for the kids and interesting material to learn as an adult."

"I learned so much in this class about communication and tuning in to your child. A huge help in avoiding frustration."

"It's very helpful in learning words. (Our child's) words have exploded since the class."

"Excellent for both children and parents. Good learning and great way to bond."

"Fun and useful for the parents and child. Dads can feel comfortable also coming."